The return of the annual raptor conference

After missing a number of years due to the pandemic, we are pleased to announce the return of the Northern England Raptor Forum Conference.

The conference will be held on Saturday the 18th of November 2023, at the Holiday Inn, Barnsley, 2 minutes drive from Junction 37 of the M1.

Bookings for the conference are now closed, please email if you wish to be made aware of an places made available due to cancellations.

Please note that there are a limited number of conference places available so booking early is highly recommended.

We are extremely pleased to announce that 2023 will be the 1st year that we will offer a limited number of under 25s young person’s concession places at the conference. This concession has been generously sponsored through a fund in the memory of the late Mike Rudd. Please email for details.

We would like to take the opportunity to thank the conference sponsors for supporting our event.
