Tag Archives: food

Fundraiser – Short-eared Owl Satellite Tagging Project

Raising funds to purchase satellite tags to help us learn more about Short-eared owls.

Raptor Aid launched the Crowdfunder  https://www.gofundme.com/f/raptor-aid-grant-fund on behalf of the Northern England Raptor Forum to enable us to purchase satellite tags for our first project tagging Short-eared owl (Asio flammeus).

Short-eared Owl quartering the moorland

In addition, we/they are raising funds by selling t-shirts and pin badges.

Example of the available t-shirts

Pin badge

The Short-eared owl is a Pan-European species that due to its nomadic lifestyle can roam thousands of km each year meaning they are truly continental birds. Monitoring populations and changes in them can prove incredibly difficult, but as shown by the BTO, technology can help. Satellite tags have opened up a new world to understanding the movements of this species, but each tag and its annual data doesn’t come cheap, a single tag and data costs £3000.

Satellite tags will allow field workers to understand how Short-eared owls use the British landscape and if they remain here year-round. The data from these tags will also allow field workers to collaborate with the European Short-eared owl network, to better protect the species and the habitats they require.

Unfortunately, in the UK, another risk faced by these owls is illegal persecution. Satellite tags have already been proven to be a critical tool in highlighting the systematic targeting of many upland bird of prey species including Short-eared owls. Satellite tagging birds not only provides scientific data but puts a spotlight on them should they become victims of illegal persecution. You can read more about some of the cases involving illegally persecuted Short-eared owls HERE, HEREHERE and HERE.

Thank you supporting this exciting new project.


3 February 2024